Service Commission Resources
Click here for this commission’s definition and chairperson, as well as her contact information.
Click here for a handout on the type of work done in this commission and a listing of example projects.
The Diocese of Charleston maintains offices for the following ministries/organizations that are a wealth of information for Family and Community concerns, including—but not limited to—Catholic Schools, Family Life, Education and Catechesis, Vocations, and the various ministries: Campus, Ethnic, Hispanic, International, Prison, Social, Youth, and Young Adult.
The following service projects have a global outreach and are endorsed by or conducted in partnership with NCCW:
Cross Catholic Outreach & NCCW “Women Helping Women”http://www.crosscatholic.org/nccw
Fighting Human Trafficking #0500, Protecting and Sheltering Women #0578,
Preventing Mother and Child Mortality #0704, Upholding the Sanctity of Life #0928
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) & NCCW “Works of Peace & Reconciliation”
Help-a-Child, Madonna Plan, Refugee Women Emergency Fund, Water for Life
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) & USCCB “Catholics Confront Global Poverty”*
Conflict & Peace, Hunger & Nutrition, International Assistance, Natural Resources
*NCCW is listed as a partner on the website.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) “Fair Trade”
Chocolate, Coffee, Crafts
Listing of CRS Programs within the US