SCCCW/NCCW Historic Connections
1931 – Dr. Anne Nicholson, NCCW Field Executive addressed the preliminary and first organizational meeting of the Charleston Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.
1932 – Charleston Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (SCCCW) hosted the NCCW 12th Annual Convention at the Fort Sumter Hotel in Charleston.
1936 – Miss Katherine R. Williams, NCCW President, addressed the 6th Annual SCCCW Convention held in Anderson, SC.
1940 – NCCW President Mrs. J.W. McCollum and Miss Lenna Wilson of the national headquarters attended the SCCCW 10th Annual Convention in Charleston.
1952 – NCCW Executive Secretary, Miss Margaret Mealey participated in the SCCCW 23rd Annual Convention held in Greenville, SC.
1953 – Miss Mary Donahue, NCCW Affiliate Secretary, brought greetings from the national office to the SCCCW 24th Annual Convention held in Charleston.
1958 – Mrs. Charles A. Gartland of Myrtle Beach, a member of the NCCW Board of Directors from the Province of Baltimore, brought greetings to the 29th Annual SCCCW Convention held in Aiken, SC.
1962 – Mrs. Arthur L. Zepf, NCCW President was the keynote speaker at the SCCCW 32nd Annual Convention held in Charleston.
1966 – Miss Margaret Mealey of NCCW was the keynote speaker at the SCCCW 36th Annual Convention held in Greenville, SC. Other NCCW guests at the convention included Mrs. Milton Villeman and NCCW Secretary, Miss Margaret Edmunds.
1979 – Mrs. Helen Merritt of Greenville, SC, was elected to the NCCW Board of Directors. Her election as vice president was also the first time anyone from the Diocese of Charleston was elected to the national board.
2001 – NCCW President, K. Leverne Redden, was the SCCCW 71st Annual Convention Keynote Speaker.
2011 – NCCW President, Mrs. Patty Johnson of Knoxville, TN, addressed the 81st Annual SCCCW Convention held in Hilton Head, SC.
2012 – SCCCW hosted the 2012 NCCW Annual Convention at the Sheraton Convention Center Hotel in Myrtle Beach.
2017 – NCCW President, Mrs. Sheila Hopkins of Tallahassee, FL, addressed the 87th Annual SCCCW Convention held in Columbia, SC.